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Engineering @ Kogan.com

Making in-demand products and services more affordable and accessible.

Engineering team at Kogan.com.
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South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

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From a garage to global expansion

The Kogan brand is renowned for price leadership through digital efficiency. The company is focused on making in-demand products and services more affordable and accessible. Kogan.com is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia.

The company is named after its founder, Ruslan Kogan, who started the company in his parent's garage back in 2006. Today, the company sells a massive range of products and services and has expanded its operations into international markets.

Kogan.com has since acquired well-known brands like Dick Smith, Matt Blatt, Mighty Ape, and Brosa, and launched products in the internet, insurance, energy, travel, credit, and superannuation industries.

The company has grown so much since its humble beginnings in 2006, but these three key pillars have always remained:

1. An unwavering commitment to provide customers with better value products and services.

2. A constant obsession to create the best possible shopping experience, from easy purchasing, to efficient delivery and reliable after-sales support.

3. A revolutionary online-only business model that allows Kogan.com to bypass the expenses of bricks and mortar stores and pass these savings onto customers.

Photo of Akshay Wadhanave.

Akshay Wadhanave

Tech Lead
To gain more targeted leadership coaching, the company also enrolled me into a Tech Lead course where I learnt from an expert in our industry. I also had the opportunity to learn with Tech Leads from other companies and share our different perspectives.
Photo of Ana Teo.

Ana Teo

Software Engineer
I’m surrounded by very talented and driven teammates, so there’s never a boring day. Most importantly, I feel supported and I’m constantly reminded that working within the Engineering space doesn’t have to be monotonous.

There's always a better way

One of the team's guiding principles is that "there is always a better way". This means that nothing is set in stone and that there's room to reimagine even the most established technical or business process from first principles.

With this philosophy in mind, the engineering team at Kogan.com have autonomy to own and drive adoption of new practices, have input into driving architectural changes for the e-commerce platform and continuously innovate.

The team have opportunity to work on various parts of their growing e-commerce platform. Examples include:

  • Building tech to enable customers to quickly identify the product(s) they want and need, and easily checkout on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Building services to collect, process and learn from customer data to provide a more personalised experience.
  • Continuous improvement around ways to provide a speedy experience to customers given Kogan.com's huge traffic volume.

The engineering team has end-to-end responsibility from idea to launch for all Kogan.com apps and services. This includes the flagship Kogan.com site, its verticals, company internal applications, iOS App and Android App.


Meet the Kogan.com team

Photo of the team.
Photo of the team.
Photo of the team.
Photo of the team.

Engineering culture

The software engineering team has two main product areas of focus: its eCommerce platform and its operational services.

The eCommerce platform is mostly built around the Django framework with a React front-end. Engineering squads focus on specific areas of responsibility relating to customer experience, for example, product discovery, customer growth, and checkout.

These squads are cross-functional, work full stack and collaborate on the same codebase, delivering to production daily.

On the operational services side, the squads work with a number of different technologies to integrate third party providers into business processes and are heavily involved with delivering internal data services and business intelligence. Many of the integrations in this space are built with .NET and deployed as microservices.

Both teams are steadily converging on a shared set of tools, practices, and ways of working. Continuous delivery, testing and automated deployments into AWS are the norm for applications across the team. Although the team doesn’t follow a strict TDD workflow, test coverage and code quality on the team’s eCommerce platform is high and maintained. Engineers typically work independently, pulling in colleagues to pair as needed.

The team has retained its startup culture with minimal hierarchy, low comms overhead, and a fast pace, collaborating over Jira, Slack, and Zendesk to get work done.

Technical and product decisions happen as part of a two-way dialogue between leadership and software engineers, rather than flowing from the top-down. The team's engineering leaders are highly approachable, available and work in an embedded way within the software engineering team. Even the company’s CTO, Goran is frequently on the floor among the engineering team discussing various initiatives and contributing (sometimes silly 🤣) ideas.

With frequent tech talks, engineering guilds and a positive reception to new ideas, the team is constantly looking to improve its engineering practices and believes that “There’s always a better way”. For example, the team is currently spearheading the adoption of a new design language and looking to build out an improved UI component library.

If you’re energetic, self-driven, and comfortable in an environment of change and continuous improvement, you’ll enjoy being part of a Kogan.com team known for being willing to challenge the status quo. Check out the team's approach to supporting legacy browsers including the world's first Internet Explorer 7 Tax which went viral across major news outlets, Twitter, and Hacker News!

Tech Stack Overview
React/React Native

Team values


Break it, fix it, learn from it

It's OK to break things sometimes if it's in service of frequently delivering value to customers.



Engineers are given autonomy and freedom and expected to do their best work in return.


Learn on the job

Your willingness to learn on the job is more important than the knowledge you walk in with.


There's always a better way

Everything can be improved, from existing processes to current technical solutions.


Be adaptable

Engineers at Kogan.com need to be comfortable with frequent changes and improvements to the way things are done.


The Kogan.com team contributes back to the Engineering community.

React Melbourne
React Melbourne

The team hosts the React Melbourne meetup at the Kogan.com office for people interested in React, Flux, React Router, Webpack, JavaScript and other related web (and now App Native) development.

Open Source
Open Source

The team publishes and maintains open source. Its most popular open source repository is django-subscriptions, a django package for managing subscription states.


Health and wellness
Health and wellness

Including free yoga, pilates, and company sponsored fun-runs.

Learning and development
Learning and development

Learning and development budget up to $1,000. Weekly learning hours where you can decide when and how to use this time.

Discounts and memberships
Discounts and memberships

Staff member discounts on top of free Kogan First membership.

Kogan.com swag
Kogan.com swag

Hats, hoodies, T-shirts... even PJs.

Team lunches
Team lunches

Get lunch on the house and an equivalent benefit if you’re remote.

Team activities
Team activities

Virtual and in-person team events that keep everyone connected.

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Engineering at Kogan.com

Build software for Australia's largest online retailer.
